Wordsrated.com: What is it?

This non-profit research organization is data-based and focuses on books, literature, publishing, and other related industries. The researchers analyze hundreds of books to determine their content. This website is intended to be the most reliable source of information on books and reading.

They are currently hiring researchers. For each book you read or analyze, you will be paid $200 There is no limit to how many books you can read. It doesn’t matter if you read one book per day or one every month.

It is owned by whom?

Jens Jakob andersen is Wordsrated’s CEO. The company was launched September 2021. He has an already successful company for research at RunRepeat, and is now looking to do similar research and studies with his second passion – books.

Wordsrated’s mission is to provide information that is meaningful about books. It should be reliable, useful, informative and entertaining. He also reiterates that there will be no time limits for readers. It is not uncommon for projects to take several weeks or months to complete so there is no rush.

The time required to finish a book takes between two and a half to a month.

Things to Consider when joining Wordsrated.com

These are some tips to keep in mind when you join wordsrated.com to help you excel. To be able perform tasks, you must first pay attention to detail. These are the details you need to keep in mind while reading Wordsrated books.

  • Gender-specific number of characters
  • Male characters receive more sentences than female characters.
  • The locations where the story is set
  • What books are being referenced or read by characters?
  • Number of words or phrases
  • What were the most common questions asked in this book?
  • Which animals are in the book?

How to apply to Wordsrated

Wordsrated does not require a college degree. Wordsrated is open to anyone who loves reading, has good English proficiency and can connect to the internet. The job can be done remotely. You can work as much or as little as you like, from anywhere you choose, at any time, and whenever you wish.

Do you want to apply for wordsrated.com Fill out the application form


Wordsrated.com allows people to earn up $200 by reading one book. Only you need to speak English fluently, have an internet connection and be over 18 years of age.

You can also report unscrupulous websites or scams and explain why the sites are fraudulent.