Are you a prolific word-swapper? Are you a person who enjoys learning new words and using them in your daily life? If so, then you are a fan of word games. This report will provide details on a word game.

Today’s account will include facts about a very popular game. The United States and Canada residents want the full information. You can find out more about Wordle Uk website free.

What’s Wordle?

Wordle is a word-guessing game that requires users to guess five letters. It is a great way to brainstorm. It is very similar to Lingo (a US TV game show) and Jotto (an old paper game).

It is also available online so that users can play on their computers or smartphones. Wordle uses color logic to help gamers correctly predict the word. To keep the game’s spirit and excitement alive, developers add a new word each day. Many users have asked about Wordle Uk Website free and the cost of playing it.

Who was the founder of Wordle?

Josh Wardle is a software engineer who created this game. He loved solving crossword puzzles, and Spelling Bee games. Wordle was a hobby that he developed using his technical knowledge.

He soon realized that the game could be a success if it was made available to the public. He launched the online game in October 2021. Wordle became very popular with people of all ages. This game was also developed by many developers.

The recent ownership transfer of the game has made gamers unsure about Wordle Uk website free. We have answered all of your questions in this article.

Latest News and Query About Wordle

The New York Times Company purchased this game from Josh Wardle in January 2022. The media withheld seven digits of the lump sum amount. The newspaper announced that the game would be initially free to players.

The result caused worldwide concern and doubts. Wordle was assumed to soon become a paid game because there was a financial transaction. We have now revealed the truth in the next section. Users also find that they are being redirected to The NY Times’ website, which increases their query.

Wordle Uk Website ? HTML3_

Wordle programming works with browser-run methods. It is possible to save the webpage and then open it offline. Wordle will always be free of charge. Aaron Rieke is a technology professional who explained this via his social media pages. Users can save the Wordle game of the day and still play it offline.


The New York Times purchased the game but it shouldn’t make the game a premium one. Our research has shown that Wordle Uk Websites are free for all users. To see the explanation, you can also visit Aaron Rieke’s Twitter thread.