Have you received a text message from Monzo Bank claiming that your account has been reactivated or that a replacement card was sent? Beware! It’s a scam.

Many people have received this scam text message from Monzo Bank. The message actually links to a malicious website.

What is Monzo Bank or Monzo Bank App?

Monzo, in all its senses, is a bank that lives in an application. It can help you budget better, take the stress out spending abroad, and even allow you to earn interest on your savings. Even though it is an app, it can be accessed by real people whenever you need it. Monzo can do all the things you would expect from a traditional bank but much more.

Monzo Bank Session Reactivation Text – How does this Scam work?

Monzo Bank Scam Text to Reactivate Your Session is a fake text that scammers sent to you to steal your financial and personal information. This message is claimed to be from Monzo.com. The scammers instructed the affected customers to click on a link that will reactivate their session or send a replacement card. Don’t be fooled. It’s all a scam!

You are exposed to spywares, viruses, and malwares by clicking on the link. These can be harmful to your device and can hack or destroy your mobile phone.

Genuine companies won’t ask for sensitive information like a password or credit-card number. They will also not send attachments or ask users to download anything to their devices.

Monzo Bank Reactivate Your Session Scam Text Format:

This is the format of the scam text:

Monzo alerts you that your session must be reactivated. To prevent account closures, please visit monzo.site/

Your replacement debit card was sent. If you didn’t request a new card please visit https://ssl.verify/monzo.net

Have you received a Monzo Bank Scam SMS Message? Do the Following!

It is a scam and you should immediately delete the message. Do not forget to notify your loved ones. If they get such a message, they are asked not to click the link.