Splatblastz.com is a website you may have heard of. Are you interested in learning more about this website. The internet is a platform that allows for many new ventures.

The internet is a great source of traffic to your business. But the most important thing about the internet is that it is simple to manage. Online shopping is a common practice in many developed countries, including the United States. You can read the complete article Is Splatblastz.com Legit if you’re interested in learning more about this site.

Is Splatblastz.com an authentic website?

  • Website age This website is 0 years, 0Months and 4 days old.
  • Trust score It has a moderate rating at 2%. This site has a very low trust score.
  • Contact information: This website portal has an email address, but it is not listed on the homepage.
  • The information of the owner is missing.
  • Missing specifications – Everything is fine. However, the designer should include the frequently asked questions section.
  • Privacy policies This website does not record most of the company’s privacy policies. The portal’s downside lists all details separately.
  • Splatblastz.com Review: This site was registered four days prior to the current date. The site has a small collection, but not enough to generate reviews. It is new and has very little traffic. There is not yet a review.
  • Social media linking: This link is not connected to any social network site, making it suspect. This new system is highly suspect of being a scam.
  • Shipping Policy Although the website mentions the refund policy, we are unable to find any details regarding the shipping policy.
  • Alexa rank is zero. These details will allow you to know Is Splatblastz.com Legit.
  • Missing specifications : This is a suspicious website. The designer should have made sure that all details were added separately to make it easy for the user to access.
  • Website design The website is poorly designed and not well-categorized. This website is just four days old and has limited products. Scroll down for more information.

About this site:

The website sells toys guns-like products. The product range is limited. Although the website lists its policies, it is very limited in information. To get the full details, please refer to the specifications. This will allow you to analyze the legitimacy and provide an answer on Is Splatblastz.com Legit.


  • Website URL: blastzsplat@gmail.com
  • Approved Domain on: 2022-03-16
  • Domain expiration date is 2022-03-16
  • The authenticity of website content: Only 25% of content is unique.
  • Contact information: The email address listed on the website is blastzsplat@gmail.com.
  • You will see the payment method options for credit cards and debit cards.
  • Shipping Policy: We have not been able to find any information on the shipping policy. This information is only partially provided. We are unable to locate the shipping costs or details about whether they ship worldwide.
  • This website has a 30-day return and refund policy.
  • Splatblastz.com Review: This website was built four days before the date of today. Although there are a few items on the site, it is not enough to generate reviews. It is new and receives little traffic. There is currently no review.
  • Cancellation and exchange: Exchange is not possible if any product is damaged. It is mentioned to Contact via blastzsplat@gmail.com.
  • Social media links: This site is not connected to any social media platforms such as Twitter, Pinterest YouTube, Facebook and Instagram.



  • Information about the owner is not available
  • There are no discounts on the website.

Customer reviews based Splatblastz.com legit scam:

This website is new and therefore not well-known. This website is targeted at children. Other sources have not provided any reviews. This site has a low trust rating. You should read How to Get Your Money Back from Paypal If Scammed.


This website sells products that are gun-based. It has a low trust rating, which is indicative of its lack of legitimacy. There is no listing of payment methods or other policies. We recommend that you read the complete article Is Splatblastz.com Legit.