Are you looking for the best collection of fashionable and custom-made clothes for women? Are there any websites that offer all-season clothing like jackets and coats for women? We found through our search.

The United States women love to wear unique and stylish clothes that make them stand out. This website has cool and unique clothes for women. We need to find out Is this website legit by looking at the essential information.

Details of

  • This website is older than was launched on 31 March 2022. This website is brand new.
  • Alexa Ranking:Alexa’s rank mentions that this website is ranked at 2818315.
  • Domain trust score:2 percent of the trust score for this website. Websites with low trust scores are usually fake.
  • Social media We could not find any social media pages. Reviews can be used to verify that the website is legitimate or fraudulent. These reviews can either support the quality of the product or the reality of the website.

  • Copied contains 66% of the website’s plagiarism content
  • Proof of contact address:There is no information about an address so we can’t verify its legitimacy.
  • Customer reviews:customer review are not available on this website. We also don’t have any social media pages that allow us to find customer reviews about the product.
  • About the Owner: information not available
  • Return and exchange policy:you have the right to request a refund within two to three weeks.

About Dilystore. Com

Can Dilystore com be trusted or a fraud? This can be proven by the authenticity of the products and the information available on the website. allows you to buy designer clothing for women online. The website offers a wide range of unique cloths that are very fashionable. The website also offers all-season clothing, including jackets, coats and boots for any season.


  • Website description: Women’s clothing website featuring custom and designer apparel.
  • Domain Date: 31/03/2022
  • Link to the website:
  • Contact Number: number is not available on the website

Is Legit? After reviewing more information on the website, we can confirm that. We have not been able to verify the legitimacy of this website using the information we have. We will clarify the doubt with a few more details.

  • Email ID
  • Contact Address: There is no information regarding the company’s contact address or the website.
  • Product Price:USD
  • Sort and Filter: You can sort and filter products on the website
  • Delivery Policy:Free Shipping in the USA, but no other information about shipping policies.
  • Modes of Payment:Visa or MasterCard, PayPal, MasterCard, Discover Club.

Pros that say : is Legit

  • This website offers a variety of boots and clothes for women.
  • You can find the email address of the website in the contact section.
  • Shopping is easy with multiple payment options.
  • You can get free shipping to the United States and no delivery fees.


  • All contact information, except for the email address is not available on the website.
  • Website has only 2% score. This is the lowest trust score that a website can have to be considered legitimate.
  • Shipping and return policies are not included in the details section. Reviews doesn’t have any social media accounts where we can verify the legitimacy of the website. The website does not have any customer reviews about the product or its legitimacy. Without reviews, it’s not very likely to purchase any product from any site. Before buying any product, you should read the reviews. If you feel scammed when shopping online, be sure to check Refund Policy on PayPal .

Conclusion looks fraudulent due to the inability to find customer reviews and a low trust score of just 2%. Is legit or a scam? We recommend that you do not purchase any products from this website.