You find mosquito bites annoying. You can find relief by searching for a device that will repel mosquitoes. Have you searched the internet for Amenkle?

This article will give you all the details about this website. This website is primarily accessible in Australia, and the United States.

The data you receive from this article is based on all factors and will not be affected by any other sources.

Read this article to find out if Amenkle is legit. It is all about it!

Let’s start by discussing in detail the legitimacy factors.

Is this website trustworthy?

This question is difficult to answer in one word. We have provided all the information you need to support your answer.

  • Domain Name: This website has been online for less than six months. It was launched on 28 November 2021.
  • Trust ScoreTrust score for this website is just one percent We can simply say that 1 out of 100 is true. Our research shows that this website is not trusted by Amenkle Review.
  • Alexa RankingDespite the website’s low trust score, we search for its Alexa rank. This website has an Alexa rank of 1.63million.
  • Customer reviews No, there are customer reviews on this product section. We also haven’t found any positive reviews on popular platforms.
  • Description:Product descriptions are complex and difficult for buyers to comprehend.
  • This website address is authentic. This website does not have contact information for customer support.
  • Original content: They have provided original content that is free from plagiarism.
  • Social media handles links:Social Media icons are present, but there are no connections. It contains a broken link.

These points can be used to judge this website as fake. They don’t intend on doing a large-scale enterprise.

Before you buy anything on this website, make sure to read the following points.

Information about this Website for Amenkle Review

Amenkle, an international e-commerce site, sells mosquito killing devices. According to the website, Amenkle offers free shipping for orders over $50.

They claim to deliver products that are covered by high-quality suppliers and only after a rigorous core selection process. This website also offers delivery services as quickly as possible in order to offer the best service.

To verify the site’s trustworthiness, let’s first look at specific details.


You can also find Is Amenkle Legit by specifying this website.

  • Domain age This website has been online for less than six months. This website was created on 28 November 2021.
  • URL Link:
  • Website typeIt’s an ecommerce website which sells mosquito-killing machines.
  • Email ID Not uploaded to this website.
  • Address Not mentioned on this site.
  • Payment MethodPayPal VISA Master Card, AMEX
  • Return Policy:Returns will be possible within 3-4 working days.
  • Delivery Time: It will be delivered to you within 5 to 6 business days.
  • Delivery charges: It is free for orders above 50 American Dollars. Otherwise, you will have to pay.

PROS side can help you to determine If Amenkle Legit , or a scam

  • These policies are transparent.
  • They are reliable and offer many options.

CONS for this website:

  • This website’s Alexa Ranking is too high.
  • This website has a trust score of one percent out of 100.
  • Although they have uploaded social media, all of them contain broken links.

Customer Reviews

Online portals are only as authentic if customers leave reviews. Unfortunately, we found that no customer visited this site before or after purchasing any products from it.

Click here to learn more about how to save money from a PayPal scam.

Last Words:

Our research on Is Amenkle Legal found thatthis website may be a fraud because it does not provide enough information and has a low trust score.

We recommend that our viewers search for similar products on other websites.

Let us know what you think about the mosquito killing machines. We would love to hear your thoughts in the comment box below.