A scam text message asking victims to call the same number is being sent out at 877 Area Code Scam Text messages and at 8776181367. Beware! It’s a scam.

Currently, over 100 people have reported receiving the 8776181367 scam text and 877Area code scam text in October 2022. This malicious link aims to steal financial and personal information.

How does it work?

This is a scam text that scammers send to you to steal your personal information. Scammers send scam texts asking potential victims to call back the exact same number. Beware! It’s a scam.

Do not be fooled. Do not follow the instructions. It’s all a scam! It’s all a scam!

You will be redirected to other phishing sites that can trick victims and hack their personal data by clicking on the link in the text message. Click on the link to get this message.

Have you received 8776181367 or 877 Area Code Scam text? Do the Following!

It is a scam and you should immediately delete the message. Do not forget to notify your loved ones. If they get such a message, they are asked not to click the link.